
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2009

Swine Flue - Grippe porcine - H1N1

Hi all, just a quick one to say how much i'm iritated by the government policy concerning swin flu. Indeed an epidemy could slow down economy if it comes all at once, but putting the population through such a psychose of death to avoid that is immoral ! Because its just a flu after all, much milder than the avian flu for instance. And also because except economical slowdown the other shameful reason is boosting pharmacetical lobbing. The truth is with proper higiene and a visit at the doc, no reason to fear more than some usual fever and nose running... Not to mention the dangerous side effects of the vaccination. So i feel its important to counterbalance official communication by giving you this article from a more serious source, national nurse association in france : En français maintenant, le lien ci-dessus pointe vers le site du Syndicat National des Professionnels Infirmiers, expliquant les faibles risques p